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All sex, No guilt

There is nothing wrong with any of your desires, no matter what society says. I will be reblogging whatever turns me on. Domination, degradation, incest, all kinds of taboo. Male, slutty switch, willing to do either for you! Quite honestly, my biggest turn on is hearing other people's biggest turn ons, especially the ones they keep secret or feel like they shouldn't have. I don't judge anyone, and love engaging with all kinks, so please message me to chat! My porn addiction/gooning blog is

Transitioning over to Newtumbl

Hey everyone. Like many people on this site, I'm transitioning over to NewTumbl. BDSMLR hasn't been able to keep up the tech, and I miss being able to chat with all of you. So follow me and hit me up there! I'd love to find all the people I love to follow here over there too!
